Endorphins for the Win

While I do not know the age I first learned of endorphins, I surely knew of their existence by the time I understood and was making conscious choices about exercise. Over the years, whether it was dealing with stressors of academics in high school and college, or jobs as I entered the working world, exercise continued to be a source of stress relief. This is not rocket science. You can find the studies anywhere, or even the simple articles to back it up. When life hands you lemons, go for a run.

One of the more challenging areas of concussion recovery was the inability to go for a run. Losing my ability to stretch and bend into yoga poses was something I never fathomed possible. Balance issues ruled out biking. Headaches cut off every source of exercise available. Life handed lemons, what was I supposed to do? Make lemonade?

Fast forward. Now it is October, 2017. It has been over 14 months since I fell. This week I attempted yoga again. I could not do poses. I tried spin class. Less than halfway through, my legs were thrilled; my brain said, “Goodbye spinning! Hello pounding headache!”

This was incredibly frustrating. Yet, I managed to get endorphins out of the ride and relaxation out of the breath. I am finally making lemonade.


16 Months Later

I know what you are thinking, she fell off the face of the earth. I did fall, but luckily the earth is round. She quit blogging. This was not some little blip. We have been there, heard that with her excuses for gaps in the blog. I promise this time was different. This time was TBI, aka traumatic brain injury.

Here’s the deal folks I got a concussion, a serious concussion, the knock you out of the game oh so much longer than you realize kind. From May 22, 2016 to August 1, 2016 it was the usual summer fun distraction.

Then I fell. My life changing fall. I am not sure I will be able to explain it all here. I still struggle to put that experience into words (heck I am still living that experience and recovering from it), but what I can say, is not looking at a computer, or reading at all for that matter, certainly puts a damper on blogging.

The good news-I am finally back at work. Before you think that means I am going to be too busy to write, I have a new job. Turns out TBI can change your career too. I am still teaching but in a much less hectic environment.

I am planning and reworking everything here. I had no idea how much my life would change the day I fell. Now that I am resuming some sense of normalcy, I’d like to share it with the world.

Reality Check

Eek, back in March everyday I remembered my promise to blog again. Days turned into nights, nights turned into mornings and another day would fly by, yet again, without a blog post.

This year has been a reality check in balance and priorities. One of my favorite authors, Gretchen Rubin, led me to Tim Grahl. Tim says we should discuss “prioritizing our time” rather than being “too busy”. I have found this incredibly truthful and helpful for managing stress. Missing the gym feels overwhelming if it’s because you can’t find the time, but shifting language to “I’m not prioritizing the gym this month” feels more manageable.

Blogging daily and teaching is not something I prioritize simultaneously. Accepting this is a huge stress relief. I can realistically prioritize teaching and blogging once each week. Over the summer, I can prioritize blogging more often and then as the school year amps up, prioritize blogging once each week again.

See you next Sunday!

With peace and love,


Coming Soon

Dear Blogging World,

In November, I started a new job and fell head over heals in love with work. I tumbled head over body out of my routine in the process. I am consumed in the best way possible, doing work I love, and surrounded by passionate people. In the meantime, blogging fell by the wayside. Posts are coming back soon, as long as you consider March soon.

With love, peace, and happy vibes,


Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Here is a non-exhaustive list of things I am thankful for today.

  1. Family
  2. Friends
  3. Marigold
  4. A job I am obsessed with already
  5. My amazing scholars who impress me everyday with their GRIT
  6. Boston
  7. Philadelphia
  8. Delaware
  9. Time off to spend holidays with my family
  10. Transportation to see family and friends regularly
  11. Legs for running
  12. Life

Podcast of November

As tomorrow is Thanksgiving, it seems only fitting to feature a food podcast this month. Nom Nom Paleo is more than just a podcast. It is also a website full of delicious recipes. There is a cookbook with even more tasty paleo options and an app if you prefer a tech version.

Every week, Nom Nom Paleo covers a different food related topic, ranging from cooking to traveling to shopping paleo. The Tam’s even include their children in the podcast each week.


This evening I am grateful for teamwork. Regardless of the context or challenge, teamwork makes everything better. There are reasons for the cliches- two heads are better than one, many hands make light work, etc. Think about people in your life and all of the ways you work as a team. Be thankful (this month and every month).

Happy GratiTuesday!

Marathon Week

Happy marathon week Philadelphia! As Philadelphia’s marathon Sunday approaches, lots of friends are tapering, carb-loading, and resting. For those of us cheering, less prep is involved; although the expo is always worth a visit.

I may not be a marathoner anymore, courtesy of joints that disagree with my preferred activities, but I will definitely be heading out for a (short) run along the trail this week. Those of you weaving 26.2 through the City of Brotherly Love will get even more time to venture along the Schuylkill.

Best of luck to all running this weekend! See you at mile 22!