Endorphins for the Win

While I do not know the age I first learned of endorphins, I surely knew of their existence by the time I understood and was making conscious choices about exercise. Over the years, whether it was dealing with stressors of academics in high school and college, or jobs as I entered the working world, exercise continued to be a source of stress relief. This is not rocket science. You can find the studies anywhere, or even the simple articles to back it up. When life hands you lemons, go for a run.

One of the more challenging areas of concussion recovery was the inability to go for a run. Losing my ability to stretch and bend into yoga poses was something I never fathomed possible. Balance issues ruled out biking. Headaches cut off every source of exercise available. Life handed lemons, what was I supposed to do? Make lemonade?

Fast forward. Now it is October, 2017. It has been over 14 months since I fell. This week I attempted yoga again. I could not do poses. I tried spin class. Less than halfway through, my legs were thrilled; my brain said, “Goodbye spinning! Hello pounding headache!”

This was incredibly frustrating. Yet, I managed to get endorphins out of the ride and relaxation out of the breath. I am finally making lemonade.


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